The Weiler Psi

Parapsychology Journalism: The People, The Theory, The Science, The Skeptics

Richard Wiseman: A Study in Modern Psi Skepticism

The skeptical movement has many prominent figures, such as Richard Dawkins, Ray Hyman and Chris French, but none carry the gravitas these days of author/scientist Richard Wiseman.  This is a role formerly played by Ray Hyman, but he is getting on in years and Wiseman has slowly taken over the role of the world’s most prominent skeptical parapsychological scientist.  No other skeptic shows up in more parapsychology literature and no skeptic is more talked about than Wiseman.  In the world of psi research, Wiseman is a central figure.

He is one of a small handful of skeptics who is familiar with scientific parapsychological literature and he has even written a book for conducting parapsychological research.   You can read his full biography here.  Wiseman is also a magician; he currently holds The Chair in the Public Understanding of Psychology in Britain; He has a first class honors degree in psychology from University College London and a doctorate from the University of Edinburgh.  He has published over 60 papers.

He has made a name for himself in  unusual areas of psychology, including luck, deception and humour, and the science of selp-help.  Some of what he does comes under the heading of anomalistic psychology.  Anomalistic psychology is the study of human behaviour and experience connected with what is often called the paranormal, without the assumption that there is anything paranormal involved.  This field of psychology is a pox on humanity, but that is an entirely different issue.

What I will be concentrating on here are Wiseman’s contributions to parapsychology in the form of his scientific investigations and the scientific studies he’s been involved in.  In science, you have to put your cards on the table.  You don’t get to hide your statistical formulas or your investigative process.  Everyone gets to see what you did.  If there are any flaws in your processes or math, these will eventually be exposed.  Investigating Wiseman’s scientific record, in other words is an excellent way to take the measure of the man.  Is he fair?  Is his work clear headed and objective?  Does he overstate his case and make grandiose claims or is he careful and measured in his words?  All of these questions are answered by his body of scientific work.

Eusapia Palladino

In 1992 Richard Wiseman published a paper titled: The Feilding Report: A Reconsideration. (R. Wiseman, ‘The Feilding Report: A Reconsideration, JSPR, 58 (1992), pp.129-152)

In this paper he examined the Feilding report and complained that the report gave an insufficient account of the seances.  He also supposedly found faults with it that implied that  medium Eusapia Palladino, (1854 to 1918) could have used an accomplice and that the investigators had possibly overlooked this grievous flaw.  Parapsychologist Stephen Braude questioned the implied lack of competence due to insufficient information noting:

I consider the best testimony in Eusapia’s case to be reliable. The observers were honest, experienced, well prepared, and alert for (actually, expecting) trickery. In fact, they were as competent as one could hope for. Moreover, the phenomena reported were not difficult to observe, the observations were made under conditions that ranged from adequate to good, and the phenomena observed were not antecedently incredible or without precedent. But it is still all too easy for skeptics to cast doubt retrospectively on these reports, usually by ignoring the reasons for having confidence in the testimony and by raising the mere theoretical possibility of error under the conditions that actually prevailed.

(…) A recent example of this approach is a paper by Wiseman (1992), which calls attention to various details omitted from the Feilding report of the 1908 Naples sittings, and then suggests (in light of those omissions) that an accomplice might have helped Eusapia produce most of the phenomena reported by the “Fraud Squad.”  (…)

First, I should note that there are, obviously, practical and aesthetic constraints on how complete any report should be. In fact, there is good reason, when reporting on a case investigation, to omit details that (if included) would add considerably to the tedium of reading a report, especially if (a) the report is as long as the Feilding report, (b) the investigators are (like the Naples trio) good at their job and know what to look for, and (c) one assumes (naturally, and as Crookes did) that readers will give the investigators credit for enough common sense to check on obvious matters not mentioned in the report.

But quite apart from that issue, one would think it is too obvious to mention that no record of a séance (or, arguably, any event) can be complete, whether the record be verbal, auditory, or visual. One would like to think that Wiseman recognizes this and accordingly would not want to demand that experimenters attain an impossible degree of completeness in their reports. And in fact, when challenged, Wiseman seems to retreat from that absurdly strong position.

Robert McLuhan, one of the rare individuals to read completely through the Palladino reports notes in his book “Randi’s Prize” that a complete reading of the Palladino reports makes it very clear that the use of an accomplice would have been absolutely impossible to pull off.  (Wiseman argued that an accomplice could have potentially hid in the ceiling.  Anyone who has ever worked in an attic would laugh at this.  It is enormously hard to move around in tight spaces on your belly, let alone do it without making any noise whatsoever.  Most ceilings are flat, with no distinguishing marks, making it fairly difficult to hide a trap door.  It is also pretty difficult to lean over into open space and then pull yourself up again.  The investigators would have immediately noticed any slight noise above their heads as well making this a very trivial argument.)

Using a Parapsychology grant for  . . .

Somewhere around 1995 Wiseman received a Perrott-Warrick studentship grant, (amount not known).  Guy Lyon Playfair writes:

Yet much P-W money has also been given in the past to self-declared sceptics including Susan Blackmore, Richard Wiseman and Nicholas Humphrey, whose three years’ funding (an estimated £75,000) produced no original research at all and a book, Soul Searching, notable for the absence of any reference to any published psi research. Clever exploitation of loopholes in the wording of the P-W bequest has enabled opportunistic sceptics to get away with this kind of thing.

Rupert Sheldrake’s Dog Experiment

In 1995 Wiseman was invited by Rupert Sheldrake to investigate his experiments into a dog’s ability to know when its owner was coming home.  Sheldrake explains what transpired:

With the help of his assistant, Matthew Smith, he did four experiments with Jaytee, two in June and two in December 1995, and in all of them Jaytee went to the window to wait for Pam when she was indeed on the way home. As in my own experiments, he sometimes went to the window at other times, for example to bark at passing cats, but he was at the window far more when Pam was on her way home than when she was not. In the three experiments Wiseman did in Pam’s parents’ flat, Jaytee was at the window an average of 4% of the time during the main period of Pam’s absence, and 78% of the time when she was on the way home. This difference was statistically significant. When Wiseman’s data were plotted on graphs, they showed essentially the same pattern as my own. In other words Wiseman replicated my own results.

In total, Wiseman only performed four experiments and in one of them, the dog was sick during the experiment and left to throw up.  Whether the experiments were successes or failure, there were simply too few of them to draw any conclusions.  The only sensible thing to do would have been for Wiseman to compare his own data against that of Sheldrake and see how it all matched up.  Certainly a review of Sheldrake’s 100 + trials that he had already carried out was in order.  Yet this was not done.  Instead, Wiseman went to the media and skeptical groups announcing that he had disproven Sheldrake’s work.  On the basis of the data that he had in hand, Wiseman could not make this claim, yet he did.  Furthermore, he got it published in the British Journal of Psychology.  (British Journal of Psychology 89, 453-462)  (I have to wonder how this got through peer review with only three valid trials and no review of Sheldrake’s experimental results.)

Having someone supposedly debunk your work, particularly in a peer reviewed journal can be damaging to your reputation.  The fact that this was completely unwarranted based on the available evidence makes this particularly galling.  The net effect of this sort of hatchet job is that this experiment, which could have shed new light on consciousness studies, will be forever after mired in conflicting viewpoints.

Meta Analysis of the Ganzfeld

In 1999, Julie Milton and Richard Wiseman jointly published a meta analysis of the ganzfeld experiments in the Psychological Bulletin.  (Here is the abstract.)  Nancy L. Zingrone, Ph.D., then the President of the Parapsychological Association, pointed out that the paper was submitted a mere two months before a convention of the parapsychological association where it could have gotten a proper peer review.  She had been involved with the paper from 1997 and was of the opinion that:

“Milton and Wiseman were gathering evidence to support an a priori commitment to the notion that all positive psi results are spurious and all methods which seem to show the presence of psi are flawed.”

Zingrone goes on:

(…) Milton and Wiseman seemed to have missed an obvious opportunity for peer review in their rush to publish their 1999 Psychological Bulletin paper “Does Psi Exist? Lack of Replication of an Anomalous Process of Information Transfer.” It is usual in the parapsychological community for people to “try out” papers that will eventually be published by presenting them at the annual Parapsychological Association conventions. An extra layer of pre-publication protection from errors of fact or method is provided to authors first by the convention refereeing process and, second, by the experience of presenting at the convention and fielding questions and criticisms both on the convention floor and in informal encounters. It seemed to me to be odd at the time that Milton and Wiseman chose to submit their convention version to Psychological Bulletin after it had been accepted for the Proceedings of Presented Papers but before the actual presentation at the convention. That is, they submitted “Does Psi Exist?” to the Psychological Bulletin slightly more than six weeks prior to the PA Convention. The submission was received by Psychological Bulletin on June 23rd, 1997 (Milton & Wiseman, 1999, p.391), and the convention took place from August 7th – 10th, 1997.

One wonders why Milton and Wiseman made the decision to forego the opportunity for more detailed critique which could reasonably have been expected to be available at the convention just over six weeks later. It seems to me that it would have been in the best interest of science to wait to revise the paper until after they had heard and considered the criticisms raised by their colleagues on the convention floor. Their decision seems especially unfortunately given the number of errors in their original work that they have since been identified in print.

The errors in the paper were simply enormous.  Chris Carter writes: ( Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 74: 156-167 (2010))

But what Wiseman does not mention is this: it later turned out that Milton and Wiseman had botched their statistical analysis of the ganzfeld experiments, by failing to consider sample size. Dean Radin simply added up the total number of hits and trials conducted in those thirty studies (the statistically-correct method of doing meta-analysis) and found a statistically significant result with odds against chance of about 20 to 1. (Radin, 2007, pages 118, 316) The 30 studies that Milton and Wiseman considered ranged in size from 4 trials to 100, but they used a statistical method that simply ignored sample size (N).  (…) Statistician Jessica Utts pointed this out at a meeting Dean Radin held in Vancouver
in 2007, in which he invited parapsychologists and skeptics to come together and present to other interested (invited) scientists. Richard Wiseman was present at this meeting, and was able to offer no justification for his botched statistics.

(…) And this was not the only problem with the study. Milton and Wiseman did not include a large and highly successful study by Kathy Dalton (1997) due to an arbitrary cut-off date, even though it was published almost two years before Milton and Wiseman’s paper; had been widely discussed among parapsychologists; was part of a doctoral dissertation at Julie Milton’s university; and was presented at a conference chaired by Wiseman two years before Milton and Wiseman published their paper. Here we have a case in which Wiseman nullified a positive result by first engaging in “retrospective data selection” – arbitrarily excluding a highly successful study – and then, by botching the statistical analysis of the remaining data.

The harm that this flawed paper has done to the field of parapsychology is beyond estimating.  To this day, skeptics still reference it as proof that the Ganzfeld does not yield significant results.  Even as recently as 2010, skeptical scientist Chris French used this study in his book “Debating Psychic Experiences” to make the case that the Ganzfeld is a flawed study.  This same error is repeated over and over in a variety of sources, such as old CSI articles which rise to the top of search results and including The Straight Dope, which published an article in 2000 that has never been updated.  Skeptics invariably pull out this study when they need to cast doubt on the reliability of ganzfeld data.  No mainstream publication is going to sort through the morass of claims and counter claims, and in this respect, the skeptical argument wins by default.  Certainly without the obfuscation that this paper has wrought, the Ganzfeld would be on much more solid ground in mainstream media.

The Girl With the X-Ray Eyes

In September of 2004 a group of CSI skeptics, (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry) led by Richard Wiseman was invited by the Discovery Channel to investigate a then 17 year old Russian schoolgirl named Natasha Demkina, who appeared to have a gift for psychic medical diagnostics.  Member of the council for the Society for Psychical Research, Mary Rose Barrington wrote of the affair:

Natasha Demkina, a 17-year-old Russian schoolgirl celebrated in her home town of Saransk for making accurate diagnoses of people’s medical ailments just by looking at them, was brought to New York (a gruelling 24-hour journey by train, flight and bus) to have her ‘paranormal claims’ tested by the self-styled world authorities. She was required to match seven written diagnoses against seven corresponding test persons wearing black-lens spectacles to avoid any eye contact. She said from the outset that two of the diagnoses were outside her range, but she was kindly reassured by Wiseman that she would pass her test if she scored five out of five on the other trials. Under these fairly taxing conditions she was in fact correct in four out of the seven trials, a result yielding a significant p value of .02, an outcome calling for a fair degree of congratulation.

But there were no congratulations for Natasha. While noting (in passing) that the odds against this result being due to chance were around 50 to 1, Wiseman told her that she had failed (…)   She got something wrong – the claim is dismissed. Science has spoken.  (…)As a fraction of the whole truth, this pronouncement scores about 2/10. The authentic message from science is that a probability of .02 would be considered sufficient in medical research to support the efficacy of a substance under test, and some fifty similar tests would have to be carried out before the results achieved by Natasha could be expected to arise by chance. So CSICOP’s experiment actually demonstrated a prima facie confirmation of Natasha’s ability to deliver paranormal diagnoses.

The test itself was a scientific disaster as can be shown in this analysis by Julio Siqueira and prompted Nobel Laureate professor Brian Josephson to write this scathing review.  This particular incident had no effect on science and wouldn’t be particularly convincing to people who had personal experience with psi, so it’s likely that Wiseman did very little damage here.  Demkina is from Russia and it is highly unlikely that her clientele were persuaded by a foreign TV show.  As you can see though, A clear pattern emerges here, showing that Wiseman lacks the necessary objectivity to be a serious investigator.

Booted from The Parapsychology Research Forum

Somewhere during this time, Wiseman was booted from the main research forum in parapsychology by the vote of a large majority.  His grandiose skeptical claims were at odds with the evidence that he had to support them and his peers felt that this was not consistent with commonly-accepted standards of scientific integrity.

Twitter Parapsychology

In June of 2009, Wiseman conducted a media stunt that posed as an experiment that was written up in New Scientist.

The experiment examined remote viewing – the alleged psychic ability to “see” distant locations. From the 1970s to the 1990s, the US government spent millions of dollars researching this phenomenon, and some have claimed that the results supported its existence. I am deeply sceptical about paranormal abilities, but Twitter provided a great opportunity to conduct a large-scale public remote-viewing study.  (…) The first trial was an informal affair, and involved me travelling to a secret location and then sending out a “tweet” asking participants to tweet back their thoughts, feelings, impressions and images concerning my location.

Of all of his experiments so far, this was probably the worst.  The experimental controls were so bad that Guy Lyon Playfair wrote:

By now, even first-year parapsychology students will have spotted several basic experimenter errors and significant omissions in Wiseman’s brief report. Among those spotted by New Scientist readers, who are probably fairly familiar with correct scientific procedures:

1.   We are not told exactly how many people took part and what percentage of the individual impressions was correct. If, as Wiseman seems to imply, nobody made a single statement that could apply to the target location, this would be a result of some significance.
2.   We are not told how many individuals, if any, guessed all four targets correctly.
3.   The implication that if the group as a whole failed to demonstrate collective clairvoyance, therefore clairvoyance does not exist, is as absurd as asking randomly chosen people to play a scale on a tuba regardless of whether they had any previous experience of tuba playing, or indeed any musical ability at all, and concluding that the evidence for tuba-playing ability is so weak as to be insignificant.

One reader whose views deserve respect, Professor Brian Josephson, made a similar point – any accurate remote viewing in the group would have been lost in ‘a combination of noise from those not having those skills, and systematic error’. It would have been better, he added politely, ‘if the experimenter had discussed methodological issues with experts in the field before starting the experiment’.

Had he done so, he would have been told that (a) judging of RV tests should be done by impartial outsiders, not by the subjects themselves and certainly not by sceptical investigators, and (b) that to do good RV subjects need training. Expecting an unselected sample of the general public to demonstrate it on demand is totally unrealistic. As one sceptical reader put it, ‘I find the notion of remote viewing ridiculous, but find conclusions overreaching their results equally so’.

By now it should be screamingly obvious that Wiseman trades on his scientific credentials to do a sort of pretend-science that is specifically designed to promote his skeptical point of view.  If he did not have the unspoken support of the mainstream scientific community in this charade, he most likely would have been booted out of every professional scientific organization and completely discredited.

Within the parapsychological community, Wiseman’s transgressions are well known and while he is publicly treated as an equal, privately he is considered too biased to be taken seriously.  Having been aware of the parapsychology literature, and Wiseman’s work for some time, his newest adventure was entirely predictable.

Darryl Bem’s Precognition Experiment

Parapsychologist Darryl Bem recently came out with a parapsychology study that created a huge splash in the scientific world at the time.  His experiment, titled Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect   was accepted by the hugely prestigious  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP).  Cassandra Vieten writes:

So what is notable about the current publication? To begin, Bem is not just any psychologist; he is one of the most prominent psychologists in the world (he was probably mentioned in your Psych 101 textbook, and may have even co-authored it). And JPSP is not just any journal but sits atop the psychology journal heap; the article, especially given its premise, was subjected to a rigorous peer-review (where scientific colleagues critique the article and decide whether it is worthy of publication). Also, Bem intentionally adopted well-accepted research protocols in the studies, albeit with a few key twists, that are simple and replicable (they don’t require lots of special equipment, and the analyses are straightforward).

By now the reader is probably aware that Wiseman would look for any way he could to address this literature in a way designed to discredit it.  In fact, that’s exactly what he did.  As a rather ingenious measure, he created a registry for Bem’s experiment so that any results would theoretically pass through him.  Thus, the fox put himself in charge of the hen house.  Next, Wiseman and fellow skeptic Chris French performed three separate studies which, of course, showed no effect.  And, surprise, surprise, he wrote up a paper detailing the failure of his registry to record enough positive results to be significant.  (here).  Characteristically, he used a condescending title for his paper: “Failing the Future.”  In a comment to this study, Bem had this to say:

By the deadline, six studies attempting to replicate the Retroactive Recall effect had been completed, including the three failed replications reported by Ritchie et al. and two other
replications, both of which successfully reproduced my original findings at statistically significant levels. (One of them was conducted in Italy using Italian words as stimuli.)
Even though both successful studies were pre-registered on Wiseman’s registry and their results presumably known to Ritchie et al., they fail to mention them in this article. I
consider this an important omission. (I also note that Ritchie et al., describe their replication attempt as three independent studies, but the total number of sessions they ran
was the same as the number I ran in my own original experiment and its successful replication.)

In other words, to the the result he wanted, Wiseman omitted inconvenient data and also divvied up the results in his own study to make it appear as though there was a more significant failure to replicate than there actually was.  In a Skeptico interview, Bem added this:

Well, they knew that there were three other studies that had been submitted and completed and two of the three showed statistically significant results replicating my results. But you don’t know that from reading his article. That borders on dishonesty.

Because Wiseman, et. al. didn’t run that many trials, the overall results of the combined trials yielded significant results.  Had Wiseman been fair, he would have had to publish positive results.


There is a pattern here.  Every time something interesting that is psi related happens, particularly if it is newsworthy, Wiseman inserts himself into the discussion and provides a trivial debunking to ensure that the news is shrouded in conflicting accounts that prevent the public and the scientific community from being persuaded by the evidence.  This is a pattern that has stayed consistent for over ten years and has shown no evidence of changing.  Wiseman is aware of all the criticism he has received over the years, yet his approach hasn’t varied.  The only conclusion that one can draw from this is that these are not merely mistakes of incompetence, but rather they must be intentional attempts to deceive.

Of course, this brings up the question: Why would he resort to such measures if he was so sure that psi didn’t exist?  The answer of course, is that he knows that it does, but he has more to personally gain through this debunking.  In my opinion, his whole career appears to be as shallow as a rain puddle.


23 comments on “Richard Wiseman: A Study in Modern Psi Skepticism

  1. Pingback: Precognition Basically Proven, Skeptics Prove Nothing Can Convince Them | The Weiler Psi

  2. donsalmon
    December 22, 2014

    12-22-14: Hey Craig – I just came across this. excellent summary. But I’m surprised you didn’t mention his 2009 Daily Mail admission (I’m assuming you know it, but for others, he said psi has positive evidence as good as that in any other area of science, but he refused to accept it because psi is extraordinary, therefore it needs better evidence. And he never has, despite repeated requests, explained why psi is extraordinary.

    For me, this is game over for the entire world of debunkers. I’d be very interested to hear your opinion on this.

    • craigweiler
      December 22, 2014

      Like so many other subjects, deniers never give up, so the game is never really over until they die or get passed by. I used to think that we had reached a turning point, but the resistance is very strong and remains so.

      • donsalmon
        December 22, 2014

        Thanks Craig. Actually, I got a very good response from a psi sympathizer over at Bernardo Kastrup’s forum. He first said psi doesn’t have a model and if it had one it would be accepted. I told him about Jim Carpenter’s First Sight, which I think is excellent. I don’t agree – even if the model was understood the deniers would have trouble. However, despite what you say (and I may have been following this longer than you – I read Gardner’s “Fads, Facts and Fallacies” in 1970) I remain optimistic. I think things are better than they ever have been. The statistics are now solid and irrefutable, more so than ever before. The model is there (first sight). Kelly’s group is putting out “Beyond Physicalism” in February, and that along with Bernardo’s work is creating an atmosphere of acceptance for non materialist views. There’s increasing data showing that evolution indeed has a direction, and that along with a major philosopher like Thomas Nagel giving a potential boost for non materialist views of evolution is all very promising. My guess is some time in the late 21st century, psi will be pretty universally accepted. Of course, most of us here won’t be around to see if I’m right or wrong. I would guess – maybe we’ll all be around for at least another few decades?? _ that it’s possible that in just the next 10 to 20 years it all may change. I remain optimistic. Thanks for the quick response.

  3. Pingback: Psi in the News | Dr. Richard Alan Miller

  4. LizLen
    January 11, 2014

    Unfortunately this is what happens when you have a public and open blog like this; you get a load of comments from ignorant contributors who can’t even master basic grammar, let alone conduct any serious investigation into the facts of this subject. They have merely listened to the rhetoric placed in the media by Wiseman and his propaganda about the Sheldrake experiments and his own with the dog Jaytee, and believed it as influenced by their own prejudices. Have they actually studied Wiseman’s “experiments” (a total of 4 skimpy tests on the dog, very unscientific I must add)? No. Have they looked at his papers that do not disprove, but simply act to debunk the earlier, extremely thorough investigation? No. Have they studied or even asked for the extensive material presented by Sheldrake himself? No. Have they even dipped a toe in the masses of research material owned by the SPR or other bodies? Do they really know which of these two did the “scientific” research, and whether either of them follows scientific method? Absolutely not. Really, before commenting, do your homework boys, thoroughly. I don’t mind you sitting on the fence, or even being Sceptical with a capital “S” (I call it dogmatically “Materialistic” in this case) but if we are to have a productive and intelligent debate, go away and get educated in this subject first before bothering to comment.

    • craigweiler
      January 11, 2014

      This blog is not entirely open. I do moderate comments and I don’t allow the worst of them. I decided to let a couple of this commenter’s comments through because this topic is scientific and I allow skeptics to post comments on these articles. But I agree. He didn’t have anything interesting to say.

  5. frank from reality land
    January 11, 2014

    I found this to be absurd. Especially when I got to the part of the dog. The statement that “…that this experiment, which could have shed new light on consciousness studies, will be forever after mired in conflicting viewpoints.” made me laugh out loud at the absurdity AND the inanity.

    Because a dog is waiting for it’s master. Just like my cat did. And my dog. And my other dog always knew when my wife was coming home. Because he heard the car door close. Or the engine. Or her steps on the sidewalk. Or it was just about the right time for her to come home.

    Oh, but I’m sure it would have been a world changing study on consciousness.
    Ha! Oh, my eyes are tearing up. So funny.

    • craigweiler
      January 11, 2014

      If you had bothered to read the study itself you might have discovered that all of those factors were controlled for. I don’t know why people make the assumption that somehow a scientist would never think of such obvious things, but there you are.

  6. Mark
    May 8, 2013

    Craig, I don’t want to make a pest of myself, and I hope you don’t mind me commenting on this older post that I was notified of by your post underneath a newer post, but I think that there might be some evidence in this main post, as well as the other, that you might be slightly misunderstanding the motivations of pseudoskeptics. I don’t believe that most of these people know “that it [psi] does” exist, including Wiseman. I think that these people are too arrogant to even semi-seriously consider that psi exists. I think that when these people find good evidence in favor of psi, that they cannot, honestly, refute, they still assume that there must be some non-psi explanation that they, themselves, cannot find, for the time being. It’s a tough situation to be in, so they sometimes, in all probability, lie, in order to give people the illusion that they have explained everything.

    If I’m being too much of a pest, tell me and I’ll stop posting on this subject.

    • craigweiler
      May 8, 2013

      By and large I agree with you Mark. However, it is speculation into another person’s state of mind and while there is evidence of this behavior, I don’t really need to go there. It’s enough just to show the facts.

  7. Tim Fuller (@thetimchannel)
    December 11, 2012

    I like the Wiseman. The whole tirade went off the rails for me very early on with this bit:

    “Anomalistic psychology is the study of human behaviour and experience connected with what is often called the paranormal, without the assumption that there is anything paranormal involved.
    This field of psychology is a pox on humanity, but that is an entirely different issue.”

    I never heard of this field before, but it is indeed a necessary study to determine exactly why people believe in imaginary things like parapsychology and Gods. Wiseman is constantly posting things which point out that the easiest person to fool is often ourselves, and that the limits of our senses are such that they can be exploited and manipulated quite easily. This is a force of evil IMHO which is used by the religious and woo-woo psi crowd alike.


    • craigweiler
      December 11, 2012

      Hi Tim,
      First of all, it’s not a tirade. I’ve documented the way Wiseman has dealt with parapsychology.

      Second, telepathy and telekinesis have been proven to exist by any sane scientific standard. So anomalistic psychology is actually telling sane people that they’re crazy. That’s why it’s a pox on humanity.

      • frank from reality land
        January 11, 2014

        Sure, lets bend some spoons. Just not on the Johnny Carson show when actual controls are put in place. The strange thing about these studies, the more controls the more the effect disappears. Almost as if there really isn’t any effect at all.

        And here we have a man telling us PSI is real, despite what “science” says, and psychology is fake, again, despite what science says.

        By “any” measure. “Any” measure indeed.

        • craigweiler
          January 11, 2014

          If all you have to offer is these unsubstantiated opinions, this is going to be your last one. Do some research and then you can come back.

    • Peter
      December 12, 2012

      Hey Tim, just because some people can be fooled by tricks does not invalidate the paranormal. It just invalidates the impressions of those people of those tricks. Anything else is overgeneralization, a common logical error of those too eager to disprove the “paranormal” and the religious.

      Also, it is precisely because our senses are limited, as you agree, that those who rely exclusively on sense data, such as anti-paranormal skeptics, are limiting their opportunities for discovery. The limits of sense perception are not the limits of what there is too know nor of the ways in which one can know. There are other ways of acquiring knowledge and wisdom besides the mathematical/logical/llinguistic model’s reliance on sense data. Have you ever heard of body/kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intra-personal intelligence, or musical/rhythmic intelligence?

      Are you aware that in addition to the brain, the gut, the spine and the heart all have neurons?

      Are you aware that every cell in the body has consciousness (as Dr. Candace Pert Ph.D, demonstrated in 1999?

      • Alison
        December 12, 2012

        Very well said Peter! I would also like to posit this into the debate: there is great risk of error in assuming that spirit (or whatever you will call it) will exclusively adhere to the laws of the physical universe, or even adhere to those laws at all. All the sceptical arguments and theories are postulated on the basis that if something isn’t measurable by conventional physical universe means, it cannot exist. This is an entirely materialistic supposition of the so called sceptics (I call them materialists), and bear in mind materialism has always been a philosophy, never a science. If spirit does exist, by its very definition it is something “other” than the physical, and therefore it is more logical to assume it will adhere to its own laws and axioms. For my part, I do not necessarily consider any device, recording, camera, thermometer, microscope or other measuring instrument capable of measuring “spirit”. The “senses” discussed are merely those that perceive the physical universe. If one postulates that man is a spiritual being occupying a physical body and using this as a conduit and medium to operate in the physical universe (and the physical brain being a control center for this operation, operating like a switch board rather than being the “man” or intelligence itself), then one can also lead from this that he may well be capable of a vast array of other “senses” albeit spiritually orientated, which can peceive entities or realms of spirit, that have nothing to do with the phsyical. May I present this as an alternative to the “delusion” and “hallucination” supposition that most sceptics make for any claimed psychic perceptions of the paranormal.

        • Peter
          December 12, 2012

          I agree with your POV Alison. Another mistake that skeptics and rationalists make is to believe that those physical laws they worship are consistent across the universe. They are not.
          There is not virtually no end to the logical/factual errors upon which skepticism, rationalism, and/or scientism depends but this is not the thread with which to begin to list them.

  8. Michael Duggan
    December 11, 2012

    Craig, this is an excellent tour-de-force of the more egregious escapades of Wiseman – I can think of several more, like his so-called biggest ESP expt in 2000 that was transparently set-up to fail. Judging by the admission of Caroline Watt on Skeptiko, that her dismissive NDE paper titled: There is Nothing Paranormal about NDE’s was actually based more on conjecture rather than current science, it seems Wiseman’s partner is following inexorably in his footsteps…

  9. Alison
    December 11, 2012

    Just to add, I shared this, stating: Excellent presentation of the flaws of reasoning and research conducted into the paranormal by this psychologist/parapsychologist Richard Wiseman. IMO a pseudo scientist, who calls himself a sceptic, but is factually a materialist with an apparent agenda to combat anything spiritual, paranormal or any theory in deviation to the currently in vogue dogma of “man is no more than a materialistic creature, his power of thought the result of an agglomeration of cells evolved from a chemical accident into that lump of jellied meat called the brain”.

    • craigweiler
      December 11, 2012

      “man is no more than a materialistic creature, his power of thought the result of an agglomeration of cells evolved from a chemical accident into that lump of jellied meat called the brain”

      Well said.

  10. Alison
    December 11, 2012

    Excellent collection of information and well argued points, and convinced to share your conclusion.

  11. Peter
    December 10, 2012

    Your last sentence sums this guy’s career up quite nicely. Although I would extend the shallowness to his ego, indeed, to his entire being.

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