The Weiler Psi

Parapsychology Journalism: The People, The Theory, The Science, The Skeptics

Luke Dittrich, and Esquire, Have Been Debunked!

Robert Mays did a bit of fact checking on Luke Dittrich’s Esquire article about NDEr Eben Alexander, and it came up rather short in terms of journalistic integrity. I’ve written about this in my blog already, but Craig suggested that I continue here with some additional commentary. It’s important to set the record straight.

There were some red flags in the Esquire article that stood out immediately, such as the bizarre way in which the Dalai Lama’s comments to Dr Alexander were mischaracterized by Dittrich. It certainly makes no sense to anyone who has seen the video of that event. Just watch the video yourself. As Robert Mays pointed out, Dittrich somehow missed some rather important bits of dialogue, such as this:

[47:46] [DL] And for that also you see, we must investigate. Through investigation we must get sure that person is truly reliable and his experience is something not just illusion of these things. [48:02] Through then thorough investigation, that person is reliable, never telling lie – and in this particular case [there] is no reason to tell lie – therefore, [translator] so then one can take the testimony to be credible. [translator] So the point I’m trying to make is that with respect to science and its scope for discovering knowledge, we need to make a distinction about the fact that there might be certain types of phenomena which are beyond the scope of scientific inquiry. (emphasis added)

The main impetus of the Esquire article was to debunk all of NDE research based on one case. It’s essentially telling us that the “biological robot” meme is true, so stop wasting time reading about NDEs. It’s an appeal to be willfully blind to the large body of evidence in peer-reviewed literature that considers many such cases, based on Dittrich’s attempt to debunk a single case. And he wasn’t even able to do so honestly.

Interestingly enough, Dittrich is currently writing a book about his neurosurgeon grandfather’s work on memory. Just the sort of work being brought into question by today’s consciousness research, especially work focusing on NDEs. Could that be the reason Dittrich so aggressively attacked Dr Alexander’s reputation without actually checking the facts?

Alex Tsakiris, host of the Skeptiko podcast, invited Mr Dittrich on the show to give him the opportunity to defend his work and explain why there wasn’t a reasonable effort made to do some basic fact checking. Dittrich declined.

Quite honestly, The Esquire article goes beyond just being sloppy and inaccurate journalism. Dittrich seems to have purposefully twisted statements and misrepresented the facts in a determined effort to cause harm to Dr Alexander’s reputation. The most damning statement in regards to the inaccuracy of the Esquire article comes from Dr Laura Potter, Dittrich’s prime witness against Dr Alexander.

“I am saddened by and gravely disappointed by the article recently published in Esquire. The content attributed to me is both out of context and does not accurately portray the events around Dr. Eben Alexander’s hospitalization. I felt my side of the story was misrepresented by the reporter.  I believe Dr. Alexander has made every attempt to be factual in his accounting of events.” —Dr. Laura Potter

I recommend reading Robert Mays’ full article on the IANDS website. He goes into a great deal of detail on a number of inaccuracies in the Esquire article.

Thank you, Robert, for setting the record straight.

About Sandy

I'm an NDEr who is still trying to figure out why I came back. I usually just post on my own blog ( ), but it's nice to visit The Weiler Psi Blog too.

12 comments on “Luke Dittrich, and Esquire, Have Been Debunked!

  1. Peter Lauren
    January 22, 2022

    Cut a long story short. If Mr. Dittrich had anything of substance, regarding Dr. Alexander’s medical condition and NDE, it would be in a scientific journal, not a men’s magazine.

  2. Peter Lauren
    January 22, 2022

    Esquire and The Atlantic are trash journalism

  3. Susie Brown
    November 16, 2014

    Pleased to read all of these comments. There are many Luke Dittriches out there who want to ride on the back of genuine people like Dr Alexander. Dittrich is suffering from sour grapes. This attack on Dr Alexander was an attempt for recognition. Debunked Dittrich.

  4. Tom
    December 26, 2013

    Dittrich’s Esquire article was a hatchet job if I ever saw one. I can’t believe it’s accepted by Esquire as journalism. Furthermore, I couldn’t even find a way to make a comment, so I’m glad I found yours. Maybe comments are closed, I don’t know.

    • Susie Brown
      November 16, 2014

      I am in total agreement regarding the Dittrich hatchet job. And cannot believe it was accepted by Esquire as it beggars belief. Pleased to hear that Dr Laura Potter added to the furore and made such a comment. Dittrich utterly misguided readers regarding Dr Potter’s part in Dr Alexander’s care.

    • Peter Lauren
      January 22, 2022

      Trash journalism, like Esquire and The Atlantic don’t have comment sections because the garbage they write is so easy to expose.

  5. Sandy
    August 27, 2013

    Robert Mays was recently interviewed by Alex Tsakiris on the Skeptiko Podcast:

  6. Sandy
    August 15, 2013

    I see that the original article has been changed. It now states:

    “Members of the Alexander family circle have told me that Dr. Laura Potter expressed to them concern after she was contacted by the press when the Esquire article first appeared, and subsequently expressed her alarm about the way her remarks had been twisted. She felt that Luke Dittrich had misrepresented what she had told him and taken her words out of context. She felt that he had led her to say certain things.”

    The quote from the original article (as quoted in the blog) was taken from an email written by Dr Potter. The original article is still online here:

    Click to access EsquireArticleOnEbenAlexanderDistortsTheFacts.pdf

    • Susie Brown
      November 16, 2014

      Excellent…..Dittrich exposed……good move Dr Potter.

  7. Pingback: Esquire Hit Piece on Eben Alexander Exposed - Page 4 - Parapsychology and alternative medicine forums of

  8. Smithy
    August 15, 2013

    The above statement by Dr Potter has been removed at her own request.
    Therefore it is good that Graig has posted the above comment. Thanks!

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