The Weiler Psi

Parapsychology Journalism: The People, The Theory, The Science, The Skeptics

Precognition Basically Proven, Skeptics Prove Nothing Can Convince Them

This story began six years ago in 2011 when Daryl Bem published the results of nine experiments in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  

I’m writing about it now because we’re coming up on the publishing of a meta analysis of 90 experiments. But before I get into that a little history is in order.

The original experiments caused a larger than ordinary uproar among skeptics for a couple of reasons. First, this is a really prestigious journal. The JPSP is one of the most rigorous journals in all of psychology and had a rejection rate of 82% in 2009. Author’s names and identifying info are stripped to so that the study can be reviewed purely on merit.

Second, this was not an exotic parapsychology experiment, but rather an ordinary psychology experiment with some pieces flipped around. (Bryan Williams created an excellent 20 page summary which you can find here.) It made the experimental design very hard to criticize. Not that skeptics didn’t try.

James Alcock, a psychology professor in Toronto, wrote a long article criticizing the study and pretty much everything else in parapsychology. That it was written for and published by the Skeptical Inquirer, one of those zealot atheist magazines that praises children for being skeptical of Santa Claus is telling. (I’ve covered the parent organization here.) You can find rebuttals to that article here and here.

Ray Hyman, a member of the aforementioned atheist organization, attempted the shaming strategy:

“It’s craziness, pure craziness. I can’t believe a major journal is allowing this work in,” Ray Hyman, an emeritus professor of psychology at the University Oregon and longtime critic of ESP research, said. “I think it’s just an embarrassment for the entire field.”

But the experimental design, being ordinary in almost every aspect, wasn’t a particularly good path for attack, so the skeptics resorted to their old standby, the Bayesian Analysis.

At around the same time as Bem’s paper, Wagenmaker, et. al, published a paper that purported to demonstrate that the study actually had null results, i.e., nothing happened. To do this though, they had to do something extraordinary. Tamper with the number that they use to gauge expectations. In this case, Wagenmaker set the prior probability to 99,999,999,999,999,999,999 to 1 odds in favor of H0. In other words, that is the probability that psychic ability does not exist in their minds. It looks like they came up with this number by simply holding down the 9 key and counting to five. There is certainly no real world explanation for it. Precognition shows up in warfare often enough for it to be seriously studied. And they could have maybe referenced previous psi studies to get this number?

It’s a clear case of torturing numbers to get the result you want.

Bayesian analysis also requires you to set what you think the effect size will be: This is more complicated, so here’s a direct quote from this rebuttal:

Consequently, no reasonable observer would ever expect effect sizes in laboratory psi experiments to be greater than 0.8—what Cohen (1988) terms a large effect. Cohen noted that even a medium effect of 0.5 “is large enough to be visible to the naked eye” (p. 26). Yet the prior distribution for H1 that Wagenmakers et al. (2011) adopted places a probability of .57 on effect sizes that equal or exceed 0.8. It even places a probability of .06 on effect sizes exceeding 10. If effect sizes were really that large, there would be no debate about the reality of psi. Thus, the prior distribution Wagenmakers et al. placed on the possible effect sizes under H1 is wildly unrealistic.

So what Wagenmaker is basically saying here is that psychic ability can’t possibly ever ever ever ever ever exist, but if it did, we’d have Magneto and Professor X dueling overhead. Setting these kinds of expectations is a great way to make psychic ability statistically disappear in a Bayesian analysis.

Wagenmaker rebutted the rebuttal here where he claimed that the problem wasn’t with Bem’s study, but with the whole of psychology. Bem was merely caught up in a failed system.

instead, our assessment suggests that something is deeply wrong with the way experimental psychologists design their studies and report their statistical results. It is a
disturbing thought that many experimental findings, proudly and confidently
reported in the literature as real, might in fact be based on statistical tests
that are explorative and biased (…). We hope the Bem article will become a
signpost for change, a writing on the wall: psychologists must change the way
they analyze their data.”


 Got that? Since Bem is following ordinary psychology experimental protocol and he MUST be wrong, then the only logical conclusion is that EVERYONE must be wrong.
If your jaw dropped on that whopper, it gets better. Others took this seriously . . . for awhile. Since all of experimental psychology would apparently not change to make one positive result go away, the whole thing kind of faded into the background.
This was also a complicated issue so it didn’t quite take the shine off of Bem’s experiments. Something more was needed. Something that as Bem put it, “borders on dishonesty.”
Enter Richard Wiseman. Wiseman has never completed a successful psi experiment and instead has apparently made a career of trashing other people’s work. He trashed the Feilding report on Eusapia Palladino (but backed off later on being carefully questioned), Rupert Sheldrake’s dog experiment (even though he got the same results), botched a meta analysis of the Ganzfeld experiments (by doing is calculations wrong), attempted to discredit the Girl with the X-Ray eyes (by requiring her to meet too high a standard according to critics) and generally has a wake of controversy a mile long that follows behind all of his dealings with parapsychology. You can pretty much guess what happened next. I wrote at the time:
In 2010, skeptic Richard Wiseman and wife Caroline Watts set up a registry for replications of Bem’s experiments.  It was ingenious attempt to grab control of the replications and make it appear as if the experiment was a complete failure.  In 2012 Wiseman gathered up his meager results and wrote up a paper and shopped until he found a journal to accept it and was published in March of 2012. Failing the Future: Three Unsuccessful Attempts to Replicate Bem’s ‘Retroactive Facilitation of Recall’ Effect.  This failure to replicate got a great deal of press, as noted in the comment section of that paper. However there were six studies that were pre-registered, not three.  Bem provided a detailed comment to Wiseman’s paper, which he summed up in this Skeptiko interview:

“What Wiseman never tells people is in Ritchie, Wiseman and French is that his online registry where he asked everyone to register, first of all he provided a deadline date. I don’t know of any serious researcher working on their own stuff who is going to drop everything and immediately do a replication… anyway, he and Ritchie and French published these three studies. Well, they knew that there were three other studies that had been submitted and completed and two of the three showed statistically significant results replicating my results. But you don’t know that from reading his article. That borders on dishonesty.”

As of 2012, as far as the mainstream press knew, Bem’s experiments had started out promisingly, but no one had been able to replicate them.

And that’s where things have pretty much stayed for the past few years. We are now up to speed on the Bem “feeling the future” experiment.

In March of 2017, this flared up again, as an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education did a hatchet job on Bem, which forced him to respond.  They wrote:

This isn’t the first time Cornell has had to cope with a blow to its research reputation. In 2011, Daryl Bem, an emeritus professor of psychology, published a paper in which he showed, or seemed to show, that subjects could anticipate pornographic images before they appeared on a computer screen. If true, Bem’s finding would upend what we understand about the nature of time and causation. It would be a big deal. That paper, “Feeling the Future,” was widely ridiculed and failed to replicate, though Bem himself has stood by his results.

It’s how the system works. Wiseman played to everyone’s desire to stay with the status quo and they ran with it, ignoring all the problems with Wiseman’s replications. Bem responded:

Bartlett asserts that my experiments failed to replicate. He is incorrect: In 2015, three colleagues and I published a follow-up meta-analysis of 90 such experiments conducted by 33 laboratories in 14 countries. The results strongly support my original findings. In particular, the independent replications are robust and highly significant statistically.

And here is the meta analysis: Feeling the future: A meta-analysis of 90 experiments on the anomalous anticipation of random future events

Positive results and rebuttals to criticisms are roundly ignored in place of the usual hash of skeptical misinformation. Gah, I get tired of this.

16 comments on “Precognition Basically Proven, Skeptics Prove Nothing Can Convince Them

  1. Kano
    June 4, 2019

    When all else fails, call anyone, including scientists, who question materialism due to evidence “gullible, easily fooled, and closed-minded disguising as being open-minded”.

    Torsten pihl does that here:

  2. Kano
    June 4, 2019

    Also, adding things and “pseudoscientists”, such as Bernardo Kastrup, Rupert Sheldrake, ect, that challenge the “rational, critical thinking, and scientific” materialistic worldview to the “Debunkatron” is not going to make materialism reality.

    ebunkatron.comWeb result with site linksDebunkatron

    He even said somewhere else online that the people on Skeptiko and Opensciences are “thinking themselves open-minded when they’re actually gullible and easily fooled”.

    Since when was questioning materialism due to evidence against it being “gullible and easily fooled?”

    • Anonymous
      June 5, 2019

      I agree with you, Kano, but may I plead with you to learn the correct abbreviation for “et cetera”? It’s “etc.”

  3. Kano
    June 4, 2019

    This is getting old.

    I know this guy on Quora is an atheist, ( I’m not saying that because I don’t like what he’s saying. He said so himself numerous times. Quora is often full of atheist materialists ) but I’m tired of hearing or reading things like this:

    The OP has made two giant assumptions: that a god and afterlife exist. But there is not one single shred of objective evidence that backs up the existence of either. It’s just a lot of bronze age ignorant superstition, and not ever well thought out superstition.
    Now, think about this. From what I’ve heard of a heaven, it’s a place where only good people (or more aptly put, gullible people) go after the die. Everyone there is eternally happy and everything is absolutely perfect, forever and ever. Really?! Doesn’t this sound like extremely obvious wishful thinking? That’s because it is.
    No, I never wonder about such things because I accept what the evidence tells me (on all important matters). Nobody can have a glimpse of something that does not exist and there is no joy of eternal life to be had. In fact, if one actually thinks it through, any eternal existence would evolve into a hell (which is another place that does not exist).
    Lastly, I find the implication of this question extremely condescending and arrogant. It implies that atheists reject eternal life because they haven’t glimpsed it and that they are missing something. In reality, atheists reject the concept of a god because there is no compelling evidence at all to believe that there are any. And for most atheists, no god equals no eternal life, which again is not backed up by any hard evidence whatsoever.”

    Has he not even heard of OBEs/NDEs, remote viewing, ATHEISTS having NDEs, ect? Maybe he has, and he’s probably convinced that it’s all wishful thinking, wanting, delusions, mental/psychiatric illnesses, hallucinations, ect.

    And someone else online dismissed NDEs because “there were paintings/targets on the walls and ceilings that were purposely unmissable. The targets have not been seen by NDErs. That’s proof that we are our bodies and there’s no afterlife.”

    Materialists keep saying that they’re doing society a favor by debunking “harmful” beliefs in NDEs/OBEs, afterlife, ect.
    I disagree.
    Belief in these “harmful superstitions” helps people recover faster from depression, deter suicide, cope with job loss, financial worries, less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, and reduce or completely lose the fear of death.

    I think this article in the link is ridiculous.
    NDErs lose the fear of death and appreciate life more. Is that not healthy? Unless he considers having no fear of death, appreciating life more, ect unhealthy.
    Some people, if not many get depressed over the idea of materialism being true, to the point of not being able to work, or even get out of bed. ( I was very miserable when I thought materialism was s hard fact and the spiritual was non existent, but that’s not the reason why I started questioning materialism )
    Even a Reddit user was going through that.

    These articles seem very desperate for materialistic explanations for OBEs and NDEs. They’re using the same arguments over and over.
    I know materialists are desperately clinging to all of them: › entryWeb resultsThis Is What Happens In The Brain During An Out-Of-Body › article_23124…Web results5 Famous ‘Paranormal’ Phenomena (Easily Debunked By Science …

    And when all else fails, some ‘skeptics’ throw the TMT,( Terror Management Theory) and say that people only believe in spiritual experiences and look beyond materialism, in order to cope with mortality.

  4. Pingback: Spiritual Philosophy Discussion: The Conscious-Created Universe, Part II – The Search For Life After Death

  5. Jayme in Alaska
    May 26, 2017

    Hello Craig,
    Ditto on the comments by Mr. Frisk and Mr. Perry, loved your bit on the monkeys vital job of holding down that key for the final figure. I also, missed your blog during your hiatus..but totally understand the onerous burden of responding to papers that evoke the “hand hits forehead” response. Thank you for your continued point of view on psi, I enjoy your every post. Please stay with us, your warrior intellect is much needed in these days and times.

  6. Vortex
    May 24, 2017

    Craig, it’s Vortex from Skeptiko forum – remember me (we miss you there, Craig!)?

    You’ll laugh, but the “Daryl Bem has proved precognition, so mainstream scientific methodology does not work” has just appeared again:

    I said that I think about this recurrent nonsense (and skeptics who continue to revive it):

    What still makes me wonder is skeptics’ insistence that they are “defenders of science”. They never were, they are not, and they are not going to be. They are a bunch of ideological crusaders who do not dare to accept that their motives are social and political. If they accepted it, they would be a honest sociopolitical group. But since they do not, they are, in the most literal sense of the word, *pseudo*-scientists – pretending to be doing science but never doing it actually.

    • craigweiler
      May 25, 2017

      Hi vortex,
      I finally got around to reading it. Oh, brother. I’m thinking of writing a response, but it may be a waste of time, which I don’t have a lot of these days. It is ridiculous.

  7. Phil Brisk
    April 27, 2017

    Excellent piece – thank you. I think that the likes of Wagenmaker, Wiseman, Watts and possibly Chris French all share a pet monkey. When they do their statistical analysis the monkey’s vital job is to randomly select a number key and then hold it down for as long as it takes one of the humans to eat a banana. This might explain a lot.

  8. rsheldrake2014
    April 18, 2017

    Dear Craig Great stuff! So glad you are back on the case Rupert


    • craigweiler
      April 24, 2017

      Thanks Rupert.

  9. Robert Perry
    April 18, 2017

    I didn’t realize you were back. Glad to see it! I enjoyed this post. I remember reading the Wagenmaker, et. al response back then and being amazed at their, well, balls. I literally laughed out loud at your commenting about holding the 9 key down and counting to five!

  10. Psychic
    April 17, 2017

    Excellent article. If I may be so bold, there’s a typo: (by doing is calculations wrong)

  11. Tisha Metatron Miktarian
    April 17, 2017


  12. Anonymous
    April 17, 2017

    Thank you for elucidation of the previously published biases.

  13. Dee
    April 17, 2017

    Not to knock religion, cause to each his own…BUT i find there are many religious folks out there in all fields of work (even Uni professors of this and that etc.)….They shouldn’t do it, but often will toss their religious spin into something,without saying so…I’m wondering if that sort of play may be going on in their research too….I’m seeing more people too though, swinging to a belief of Psychic abilities, and books being written on being a Christian Psychic appearing here and there…Seems the bible where spirits even appear, has been taken out of context in many places too…

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